Thursday, August 25, 2005

Moroccan Inspired Wensleydale Sweater

On our trip back from Carlisle, Sally, Izzy and me detoured through Wensleydale and stopped at both the Wensleydale Cheese Factory and the Wensleydale Sheep Shop. At the Sheep Shop (what, you thought the cheese shop sold yarn?), I purchased both the pattern and the materials for this funky-looking and very comfortable sweater. The edging is done by doubling up the main wool with a contrasting colour.

The front and back are pretty much identical except for the neckline. The stocking stitch knitted up really quickly. The edging was all garter stitch.

The pattern is actually assymetrical, with one side fully two inches longer than the other. I didn't really like that so I tweaked it so that it looks a little more normal (to me). The front hem overlaps either way so balancing it out was easy enough. The back was originally supposed to do this weird Tetris horizontal-vertical-horizontal hemline. I recalculated the stitches, mimicked the front cast on, and now it's slotted.

The other really neat thing about this pattern was that the sleeves are knitted square and then set into the bodice. Easiest make up I've done in a while. I also bought enough gold and green yarn to make this one again. I'll have to pick up new needles though. The birch ones I did this one on snapped in my bag one day.

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